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Human Formation of Young People and Adults in Brazil: Proposal for and Evaluation of a Curriculum Component

Image credit: galacticconnection

Human Formation of Young People and Adults in Brazil: Proposal for and Evaluation of a Curriculum Component


The article is based on the idea of human formation in its broadest sense, which includes the formation of the senses, corporeality, habits and practices, emotional life, the cultivation of relationships and of reflection on the existential meaning of the singular human life. It is assumed that the postulate is accepted that education is a specific and intentional process of human formation, with the same wide-ranging formative objectives of such formation. The article situates this understanding of education in the Brazilian educational field and presents a curriculum component designed to promote the human formation of young people and adults in technological training establishments in Brazil, over 18 weekly meetings of three hours each. This curriculum component was implemented and evaluated with 206 students from different technological courses by means of pre-and post-testing with a questionnaire, using a Likert technique, drawn up especially for this research study. It is designed to gauge (a) the understanding of relationships and emotions, (b) the understanding and cultivation of the virtues, and © the predisposition to take responsible decisions and actions. The results showed a statistically significant difference in the three subscales between pre and post-testing, with the higher scores being achieved in the latter.

In International Education Studies.